Trending Art Films

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  • "Frida Kahlo" Art Film

    Who was Frida Kahlo? Everyone knows her, but who was the woman behind the bright colours, the big brows, and the floral crowns? Take a journey through the life of a true icon, discover her art, and uncover the truth behind her often turbulent life. Making use of the latest technology to deliver p...

  • "Hopper - An American Love Story" Art Film

    Hopper’s work is the most recognisable art in America – popular, praised, and mysterious. Countless painters, photographers, filmmakers and musicians have been influenced by his art – but who was he, and how did a struggling illustrator create such a bounty of notable work? This new film takes a ...

  • "Girl With a Pearl Earring" Art Film

    After two years on a blockbuster world tour, the ‘Girl with a Pearl Earring’ returned home to the much-loved Mauritshuis gallery in The Hague, which has just completed extensive renovations. With huge queues lining up for a glimpse of her enigmatic beauty and nearly 1.2 million visitors at its st...

  • "Manet - Portraying Life" Art Film

    They call him the ‘father of modern art’. But just who is Edouard Manet? In this acclaimed film, focussed on the sell-out Manet exhibition at the Royal Academy of Arts, London, we explore his life and works. Presented by art expert Tim Marlow, we have exclusive access to the show as well as a beh...

  • "The Artists Garden - American Impressionism" Art Film

    Taking its lead from French artists like Renoir and Monet, the American impressionist movement followed its own path which over a forty-year period reveals as much about America as a nation as it does about its art as a creative power-house. It’s a story closely tied to a love of gardens and a de...

  • "Van Gogh & Japan" Art Film

    “I envy the Japanese” Van Gogh wrote to his brother Theo. In the exhibition on which this film is based – VAN GOGH & JAPAN at the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam – one can see why. Though Vincent van Gogh never visited Japan it is the country that had the most profound influence on him and his art.

  • "Cézanne Portraits of Life” Art Film

    One can’t appreciate 20th century art without understanding the significance and genius of Paul Cézanne. Featuring interviews with curators and experts from the National Portrait Gallery London, MoMA New York, National Gallery of Art Washington, and Musée d’Orsay Paris, and correspondence from th...